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"The Curate" October 2021

Updated: Oct 5, 2021

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

The season of Fall is now upon us. We’ve had a small taste of cooler weather, the grass no longer grows as quickly as it did, and the leaves are beginning to fall. New seasons signal change and serve to remind us that something different is around the corner again. New seasons offer us the opportunity to reflect upon where we’ve been and a sense of hope for what can be.

For those in the business world, fall ushers in a time of financial reflection upon the previous year. That is true of churches too. We have a responsibility to take a look at how things have gone for us financially. We also have a responsibility to begin planning for the next year. You might call it stewardship season.

As a part of this season of stewardship, you will receive financial statements from our treasurer very soon. Those statements will help you to reflect on how you’ve contributed these past nine months and also, if you’ve pledged for the 2021 operating budget, help you to know how you are doing towards meeting that pledge as we come to the last quarter. It has been a financially challenging year at St. Philip’s, but one that has seen our shortfall in giving being made up by diocesan assistance and a PPP loan.

Following that statement and your reflection on giving this year, you will receive a letter from me along with your 2022 operating budget pledge card. With the remaining time we have this year, I’m asking that you prayerfully consider how you are able to financially support St. Philip’s next year. Or, put another way: What has God entrusted you with to assist St. Philip’s for its continued work? I’ll invite each of you to join me in contributing a tithe, 10% of your income, toward the operating budget of St. Philip’s Episcopal Church.

This church cannot exist or continue without you, fellow brothers and sisters in Christ entrusted by God with your own time, talent, and treasure, called to a common mission here in Palestine, Texas since 1859—by God’s grace, in and through Jesus Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit!

Faithfully yours in Christ,

Fr. Justin Briggle


The next DOK meeting will be Sunday, November 7th at 11:45 a.m. in the Parish Hall.

The next meeting will be Monday,

October 18th at 5:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall.

The next meeting will be Tuesday, October 12th at 10:30 a.m. in the Parish Hall.

October Birthdays

1 Jeanette George

2 Norwood Brenneke

3 George Monahan

6 Allyson Mitchell

6 Allen Mills

7 Cad Williams

9 Kathryn Fagalde

16 Barbara Nemer

19 Caron Fraser

21 BeBe Beasley

22 Cathy Norton

24 Kathy Stites

24 Vicki Winkler

26 Lucie Broyles

30 Tucker Royall

August 2021 Year to Date

Beginning Balance $94,612.96 $83,409.68

Income $10,843.29 $107,911.29

PPP Loan Funding — $23,050.00

Total Expenses $21,136.00 $130,050.72

Ending Balance $84,320.25 $84,320.25


Ushers - October 2021

Curt Winkler.

Ushers - November 2021

To be Announced.

Altar Guild Schedule:

October 2021

Oct. 2–Oct. 8 Team 1 Nancy Waggoner, Sherry Snow

Linens: Joann Evans

Oct. 9–Oct. 15 Team 2 Becky Myers, Cathy Summers, Julie Law

Linens: Kirsten Knippers

Oct. 16–Oct. 22 Team 3 Alex Nemer, Vicki Winkler

Linens: Vicki Winkler

Oct. 23–Oct. 29 Team 4 Sara Minton, Kathy Stites, Hilda Garcia-Castillo

Linens: Jeanette George

Lay Minister Schedule:

October 2021

Sunday 10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist II Readers

Oct. 3 Charles Nichols Proper 22B

Oct. 10 Scott Nicholson Proper 23B

Oct. 17 Pat Redding Proper 24B

Oct. 24 David Brown Proper 25B

Oct. 31 Carol Ann Chidlaw Proper 26B

Wednesday 5:30 p.m. Healing Eucharist Readers

Oct. 6 Scott Nicholson

Oct. 13 Phillip Morton

Oct. 20 Sparky Kolstad St. Luke

Oct. 27 Carol Ann Chidlaw St. Simon & St. Jude


New Organist/Choirmaster:

St. Philip's Episcopal Church is pleased to announce the hiring of Dr. Rafael Scarfullery as Organist and Choirmaster, effective November 1, 2021. Rafael joins us from Virginia where he has served the last twelve years as choir director and organist in the United Methodist Church.

Rafael is a composer, organist, classical guitarist, and orchestral/choral conductor. He has four university degrees (Brooklyn College and Shenandoah University) and four professional certifications (American Guild of Organists), including the AAGO. He plays therapeutic music and his professional career includes two Carnegie Hall recitals, concerts in many countries, and different awards. His music publications and recordings are available on his website:

Rafael's skill set, education, and work experience in the Methodist and Episcopal Church make him an outstanding choice to enrich the liturgical worship of St. Philip's by developing and nurturing our music ministry. We look forward to welcoming him with us in November.


Several firefighters from the Palestine Fire Dept. received a tour of St. Philip’s from Fr. Justin on September 8th. We’d like to take this opportunity to thank all the hardworking men & women of the PFD and all surrounding fire departments.

New signage to help direct newcomers. Look for them on Sunday mornings.


Feeding the Faithful and Helping Our Members in Need:

In the past months we have probably all known church members who might like or need a meal delivered to them, or someone who might not have attended church recently and would enjoy receiving the flowers from the altar and a Sunday bulletin, or someone who has been in the hospital or been ill at home, or someone who has a family member to add to the prayer list, or someone who needs or would like a home visit from the clergy or a church friend. Many of you are already staying in touch with various members of our church family and are serving in this area. The church office just needs your assistance in staying up to date.

Out of love and caring concern for our St. Philip’s family, please consider calling the church office and sharing the names of our members who might be part of one of these groups. St Philip’s wants to be active in this outreach to serve each member of our parish.

Hopefully, in the days ahead, we will be able to spend more time together and be able to learn what has been happening in each other’s lives.

Our St. Philip’s family is truly a blessing to all of us, and we are always eager to support one another.

Thanks for your participation.

September 2021 Junior Warden Report:

  • Kim Kepler finished repairs of water damage in Parish Hall and wall problem in Narthex.

  • Molding on outside of stained glass, North, South, and West removed and replaced.

  • Kim Kepler will begin replacing venetian blinds with those that match previous replacement (i.e. Library, and Children’s Chapel).

  • Adam Kent will repair the damage from the high speed internet workers at Northeast corner of property by Blessing Box.

  • He will also replace the missing sprinkler head. Additionally, he will service the other sprinkler heads that may need attention.

Phillip O. Morton, RN, Junior Warden St. Philip’s Episcopal Church


Rector: Fr. Justin Briggle Cell: (512) 799-9365

Parish Assistant: Malane Nix Treasurer: Melissa F. Cox

Sexton: Martín Rodríguez Organist/Choirmaster:

Vestry Members


Bill Fraser

Phillip Morton, Jr. Warden

Tucker Royall

Bob Snow


Barbara Kolstad, Sr. Warden

Pat Redding

Mike Tisdale

Nancy Waggoner


Melissa Cox, Treasurer

Alex Nemer, Clerk

Vincent Salaz

Joan Strominger

Normal Office Hours: Monday–Thursday: 9:00 a.m.—2:00 p.m.

Closed Federal and Occasional Church Holidays

Phone: (903) 729-4214 Fax: (903) 729-8691

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