The Episcopal Diocese of Texas has done terrific work in helping to guide us through the COVID-19 pandemic safely at St. Philip's Episcopal Church. We have been meeting in-person without incident for some time now. The vaccine continues to find its way into the arms of eligible and willing people, many of our own members included, and I am thankful. On a personal note, as your priest, I've been able to receive the vaccine and am now past the two-week period following my vaccination. I'm what the CDC classifies as "Fully Vaccinated" at this point. Thanks be to God! If you are still in search of a vaccine please contact the church office so that we might help you to locate a vaccination site.
Along with greater numbers being vaccinated, our local hospital has seen a drop in the number of COVID patients being admitted, and our case count continues to decline. All of these are good indications for us moving forward. Because of these positive trends and with new guidance from the Bishop's office, we will be bringing some familiar things back to our worship experience, effective March 28th, Palm Sunday when Bishop Fisher joins us!
Here's what you can expect to return on Palm Sunday:
Pew cushions
Liturgical books (hymnals and prayer books)
Congregational singing (hymns limited to a few verses)
Here's what we are continuing to do to mitigate further spread of COVID-19:
Face mask wearing on church campus
Temperature and hand sanitization upon entry
Distribution of communion in one kind only, the host
Socially-distanced seating
I don't know about you, but I'm thrilled to sing with you all again! I look forward to worshipping with you on Palm Sunday under our new guidance as we welcome Bishop Fisher among us at 10:30 am!
Wishing you a continued holy Lent,
Fr. Justin Briggle
Rector, St. Philip's Episcopal Church